UN experts call for compensation for victims of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan

They called the failure to pay compensation to the families of the victims unacceptable.

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Richard Bennett on Thursday released a copy of a statement by UN experts calling for compensation to the families of the victims.

The statement said the results of a 2020 military investigation found that Australian soldiers had killed 39 unarmed prisoners in Afghanistan, and some victims had been tortured before being killed.

UN experts have said Australia should pay compensation to victims under international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

"There are challenges to paying compensation given the political and security environment in Afghanistan and the lack of diplomatic relations with Albany, however, there are solutions to facilitate the payment of compensation," experts said. We are providing our assistance for this purpose."

UN experts have called for the Australian military to pay immediate compensation to victims of its war crimes in Afghanistan.

Farzana Ahmadi


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