Hudson Institute: The United States must fully support the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan

In an analytical report on Tuesday, the agency called for the allocation of part of the frozen assets of the Afghan central bank to the National Resistance Front, in addition to US support.

The report also said that the Biden administration is not interested in providing weapons to the resistance front; But the next government must do it in secret.

The report suggests that this support could include an official invitation to Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the Front of Resistance, to Washington, participation in the Vienna Process for a Democratic Afghanistan, refusal to recognize the Taliban, and providing military and civilian assistance to the Front.

The National Resistance Front (NRF) has survived the Taliban's repression over the past three years and has proven to remain a strong partner, the organization said.

The Hudson Institute, in its assessment of Afghanistan under Taliban rule, says the National Resistance Front is the only movement that has engaged in armed struggle against the Taliban; The report recommends that the United States provide financial assistance to the front to purchase weapons.

The report's author, Luke Kafi, stresses that Afghanistan has faced a deep humanitarian crisis in the past three years that has affected millions of people and has once again turned the country into a "haven for transnational terrorists."

Lok Kafi, pointing to the goals and activities of the anti-Taliban resistance front in Panjshir and other provinces, said the front had carried out about 200 military attacks in the first half of 2024.

The report stresses that "supporting the Front of Resistance is in the interest of the United States" and that the Biden administration's current policy towards the Front lacks a strategic vision. Given the importance of Afghanistan in US foreign policy, engagement with the Front of Resistance can be seen as an "insurance policy" for the US.

The Hudson Institute concluded that Afghanistan will continue to play an important role in US foreign policy and that support for the Front of Resistance can help improve counterterrorism efforts and strengthen the US position in the region.

The United States should provide arms and non-arms assistance to the Afghan National Resistance Front to regain the trust of Afghan citizens, the Hudson Research Institute said in a report.

Farzana Ahmadi


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