SIGAR: U.S. to provide $855 million in aid to Afghanistan by the end of 2024

The report said that the United States has been the largest donor to Afghanistan since the withdrawal of US troops in August 2021.

However, SIGAR did not say anything about continuing aid to Afghanistan under Taliban rule. The report also said that the Taliban's orders, instructions and "enjoining good" laws in the past three years are similar to the policies of their previous regime in the 1990s.

SIGAR added that the new Taliban law severely restricts human rights and fundamental freedoms of public and private life of Afghan citizens.

With Trump's victory in the US presidential election, concerns have been raised about the suspension of aid to Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has announced in a report that the United States will provide $885 million in aid to Afghanistan by the end of this year.

Farzana Ahmadi


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