Owner of Moby Group: The world must engage with the Taliban

Mohseni said in an interview with this newspaper, before Afghanistan turns into another North Korea, the world should interact with the Taliban.

According to the owner of Mobi Media Group, interaction with Taliban will restore some of the freedoms of Afghan women.

Saad Mohseni said that the Taliban can be reformed; He emphasized that among the fundamentalist leaders of the Taliban, there are also pragmatic leaders.

However, a number of journalists say that after the fall of the republic, TOLOnews has become the mouthpiece of the Taliban group, and from the owner of this media to a number of officials and employees of TOLOnews, they have started lobbying the Taliban group.

Some people now refer to TOLOnews as Talebnews. But according to some knowledgeable people, some media officials think about their money and properties;

Not to the human values ​​that people expect from them.

Saad Mohseni, the owner of Mobigroup (TOLO TV and TOLONews), in an interview with an Australian newspaper, asked the countries of the world to take the path of interaction with the Taliban.

Farzana Ahmadi


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